My one day to spend hundreds of dollars on shopping. The routine goes like this: shop ‘til you almost drop, then get back up, and keep shopping. I go harder and longer every year; that’s just the nature of the beast.

Introducing: warehouse sale shopping. Once you enter a warehouse packed with clothing, accessories, and the like, you won’t be able to pay boutique prices ever again. Plus merely picking an item off a rack ordered by size and color and paying at the cash register will seem simply mundane. These days, it's all about the hunt!

A warehouse sale is exactly as it sounds. Mega discounts in the largest space you’ve ever shopped (well, unless you’re a Costco junkie). Brands such as Adidas and Vineyard Vines host warehouse sales seasonally or semi annually to clear their stock rooms. Other sales are a hodgepodge of brands - some familiar labels and some obscure.
Warehouse sale shopping is not for the weak, it’s a day long event. If you can’t see yourself rooting through a mall clearance rack for an hour then maybe a warehouse sale is not your scene. However, I will tell you this: the finds are way more unique than anything you’ll ever find in a retail shop and the prices are the lowest of the low.

Before you look up the closest warehouse sale near you, here are a few tips from the 8 year veteran to make your shopping outing more successful, from planning to sizing!
1. Go on the Last Day: Oftentimes stuff is most expensive earlier in the week. By the last few days prices are slashed because the company is trying to clear their warehouse. If you are worried about having a weaker selection by going the last day and you live close enough to the sale, pop by once earlier in the week for must-have only (I know its hard) and then do your real bargain hunting later on when prices are lower.
2. Meters are Terrible: I say this because most warehouse sales are in cities. Parking in a lot is beyond worth it because, the fact of the matter is, no matter how long you thought you would be in the warehouse you’ll be longer. There is just so much chicness to loot through!
3. Eat before you Shop: This tacks onto the idea of never knowing how long you will be shopping. I will always endorse Wawa.
4. Get Creative with Carts: Often times carts are not allowed in warehouse sales (and sidenote: sometimes no photography either, be careful!) I have literally loaded up a baby stroller (not mine)! A wheelchair, or a big tote bag can serve the same purpose.

5. Don’t Be Afraid of a Butt in the Face: If you can’t change in the locker room then basically you can’t try anything on in a warehouse sale. Fitting rooms are scarce and always have a low garment limit, so girls just kinda change wherever. Certainly wear matching underwear or at the very least, nothing ratty. I’ve seen plenty of girls wear bathing suits instead of underwear to feel more comfortable stripping while shopping.
6. See No Size: Size is but a number...or a letter. In my new 2019 sweater collection alone, I have a S (my normal size), an XL (a comfy size yes, but normally I get lost in an XL) and an XS (which is just crazy to size down in a sweater but when it works, it works.)
*Disclaimer: I do not mean shop for the size you want to be! I mean every item of every brand has different size specs so if it’s cute, try it on.

7. But, Know Your Euro Sizes: Maybe it's just me, but the shoes I always end up getting from warehouse sales are always in European sizing. I’d recommend looking up your size on the European scale for shoes and pants before the shopping spree because warehouses tend to have spotty cell service. I'm a size 37 in case anyone wanted to know ;)

It's tough to say my favorite part about warehouse sale finds. Discovering new brands you’ve never heard of before is always fun. When Google tells you the boots in your hand (that you aren’t sure are worth racking an extra $30 on your tab), are actually $250 at Nordstorm is thrilling. But the best part, as my shopping buddy likes to say, “you won’t see yourself comin’ and goin’.” Finding that one-of-a-kind top buried at the bottom of a box, shrouded by other clothing, is like a poor gal’s couture!

Tell me more about the one at the beach!! Location? Date?
Thanks! I was lucky and just saw signs down the beach and now I go yearly. I went to an Adidas one years ago that came through Philly. I mainly just Google brands or locations nearby!
I thought the same thing about the denim dress! So how do I find out about warehouse sales??
I love all your new stuff from the sale!!!! The dress today looked great on you.