Who would've thought hitting your 10,000 steps would be so thrilling?! Almost as thrilling as finishing that 500 piece puzzle. The days of, “Do you think the neighbors will notice the toothpaste stains on my shirt while I walk the dog?” are well behind us. Going on walks is not something we do begrudgingly, it is the thing to do while maintaining social distancing and your sanity. Take advantage of this rare outdoor opportunity, by piecing together a chic outfit with killer shoes for your stride in the sun. (Whether it be a 1 minute step to the sidewalk or a 6 hour hike.)
Park & Athletic Shoes: Sorry to start with the least exciting outfit, but parkwear has to have a focus on practicality. Um, what does April bring again? Mud. It brings mud to the trails, so wear a pair of sneakers meant for activity that can be easily wiped down. A gripped sole with traction and high level cushion is more important than style points. Reference outdoors sites like REI and Patagonia for top notch trail running and hiking swag. When you have nice garb you're less likely to couch. Also, the warmer weather welcomes ticks. Unlike baseball itself (RIP), ball caps are in. Sport one as a simple reminder to accessorize. As far as outfits go, activewear mimics street style. Select sports bras, leggings, and tanks in Pantone’s #1 hue, classic blue. Loosely knot a crewneck sweatshirt to drape over your shoulder not your waist, for minimal sweat. Surf brands like Roxy and Billabong sell top notch waterproof gear great for sweat wicking.
Take-Out & Boots: There is a thrilling sense of community (OMG, people!) waiting in a drive-thru line. This is your big night out! Dress like it! While in quarantine, we are missing out on those first few warm days that fill porches. But spring is here and it’s not going to dress itself. Instant mood booster: slip into your favorite spring floral dress and ground with lightweight spring booties. “Spring booties” is a term I use as a way to give your mid-calf and ankle length boots extended life into the early, cooler days of the spring season. A last hurrah if you will.

Booties that are easy to wear in spring are generally lighter in color (sage, pale blue, tan, ivory,) lighter in material, or showcase some sort of floral print. What makes a spring bootie different from a fall one is merely the way you style it. All things crochet are having a big moment. Crochet or the more ladylike alternate lace, add texture - synonymous with traditional spring. Matching classic to new age will leave you with infinite combos.
Mailbox & Heels: Maybe you can’t or don’t want to go out past your mailbox and that is totally valid! But let’s make those 10, 20? steps a damn catwalk, shall we? I have been loving wearing all my graphic sweatshirts that are normally only permitted 2/7 of my days of the week. When I am not in my Lover pull on sweatshirt, I am rocking a pink windbreaker in the body of a varsity jacket. I pair with jean shorts to remind myself of cold brews and boardwalk nights. (Plus bare legs feel the best under a blanket when you come back inside!)
What makes this outfit noteworthy is the accessories. Use this short walking opportunity to “break in” your next pair of wedding heels. What about the old pair that blisters your heel or does some sort of nasty smooshing to your little toe? The ones that for some deranged reason (that reason is they’re cute, obviously!) you can’t part with them? This is the uncomfortable heels time to shine! All focus downward when worn with shorts. If applicable, add sunglasses in an unusual shape to top the sleek charts. I like ovals to compliment my head shape.
Backyard & Chic Sneaks: My backyard is four dumpsters, some pavement, and train tracks. For anyone who has a more legit space, please take advantage this quarantine season. The urge to dress down when on private property is real. Fear not! Leggings are actually a big component of 2020 street style.

To avoid looking (and feeling) dumpy, pair with a cozy oversized cardigan. What goes under that cardigan? Maybe it's a classy sleeveless turtleneck shell, maybe it's a t-shirt, maybe it's just a sports bra. More than ever before, 2020 is the year of making things up as you go along. Something the fashion industry can certainly get behind.

A fun time-suck is learning how to sew or pressing iron on patches to renew your closeted items. Michaels is now offering buy online with curbside pickup! Add a hat or fix your hair just so for adventuring.
Happy outfit making!
Ur vocabulary of fun and descriptive adjectives make it so exciting to see what you come up with next to keep us smiling and during the virus. You show us to enjoy our self. Dress for our imagative mind with help from you. You show us we are never to old to play dress up and be creative. Even Grandmoms Can still play, Thank you for helping to keep us all enjoying what we have!