2021 is perhaps the most anticipated New Year’s to date. “It got pushed back to 2021,” is about just as common of a saying as “Since March.” Yes, my #1 dream is that everyone gets the vaccine and we can go back to our pre-March 2020 lives in peace. Yes, I want to declutter my apt. and workout more and all the usual New Year, New Me things. Having spent a lot of time alone this year, I’ve decided I don’t want to be a new me rather, an improved me. Improving your attitude and confidence starts with the way you dress. I present 21 style resolutions to tackle in 2021. Report back with your progress!
Many of these topics align with current themes in fashion and therefore, have already been covered on my blog. (These photos are linked back to the article. Click to learn more!) Many are new ideas I hope to detail to you on the Sunday nights of 2021. Past+Present=Future
1. Learn more about other cultures and why people wear what they wear.
2. Don't just stick with one purse for convenience, rotate through your arsenal. Because every time you go somewhere * it’s an event.*
3. Get some nice rain gear so you don’t dread dreary days.
4. Learn how your go-to everyday clothes and accessories are made. It is shocking when you realize how you take your everyday sidekicks for granted.

5. Be a ring leader. I have ten fingers yet, I only wear one ring. Something is not adding up
6. Treat yourself to an actual comfortable pair of heels. Believe me, there is such a thing. And for once they’re actually on sale.
7. Build an evergreen season-all wardrobe. Seamlessly transitioning from a 55 degree Monday to a 30 degree Tuesday is the ultimate fashion move.
8. Help the Less Stylish. Sharing your inspiration and fashion resources is the kind thing to do. Many people think dressing well is a lot of extra effort. Developing a sense of style is an intimidating thing to start. Share this blog, magazines, and your Pinterest board to help your loved ones find their best look yet.
9. Get out of your damn pajamas every day! No more toothpaste stained college tees and boxer shorts ‘cause frankly, I can do better and so can you. How you feel in what you wear is most important.
10. As much as I am pro-dressing-up, I’m also a realist. You need a new Sherpa that can be worn both lounging and in public. The furrier, the friendlier.
11. Reinvent secondhand clothing. Make Macklemore proud.
12. Shop small and homemade companies first, because they appreciate you more and service you better.
13. New hairstyles – it’s time!
14. Find a lip stain that does not rub off onto your mask and smear on your face. I feel fancy in makeup and I use every excuse to feel that way. I.E. brunch on the terrace or a brisk walk in the park.
15. Buy fewer meals out so you can afford more clothes. No, I am not employing a smart saving tactic but, I feel a reallocation of priorities is in order. The thing is this: fajitas last about 20 minutes and a good sweater could last 20 years. Things to think about.
16. Switch your FitBit strap out more than once a season. That guy has absorbed more salty sweat water than your entire beach towel collection.
17. Commit to cleaning out your makeup drawer once a year. It is the least you can do for your skin.
18. Act like a real adult and wear a belt with pants that require a belt. No more jean dance. Please?
19. Donate clothes that you haven’t worn since 2016 because that is now 5 years ago.
20. Clean the good stuff. It is crazy how a lot of us treat our precious metal jewelry the same as H&M junk! Precious rings and pendants can be soaked in a cup of soapy water and dusted clean with a light scrub from a toothbrush. Thread your fine jewelry chains through a cleaning cloth to absorb excess oil.
21. Shop, live, and wear more sustainably.
Dressing up will return. It always does!