On a brash Tuesday night, I confided in a friend. I feel guilty and paranoid doing mostly anything yet, doing nothing has made me miserable. (Stay with me, this is not a sob story.) Most female friends commiserate, offer support, or simply agree with you and nod along. I am not sure what I needed or wanted but, it 1000% was not a pity party so I sought out one friend in particular who poetically replied with a top 10 list of things to smile about and look forward to right now. Ah, the present! A particular standout on this list: Pantone’s Color of the Year is Classic Blue. How has this not been talked about more? Since Pantone’s public announcement in December of 2019, let’s be real, no one has been worried about colors. It is time to take small victories. I raise a glass to classic blue – a color that is evergreen and does the impossible, something a citrus hue, or even white will never be capable of: it flatters us all.
With that being said, here’s the thing. Normally, I don’t buy into the idea of one supreme color and then next year what will happen to classic blue? It just vanishes? I think Pantone is like a kindergartener - looking for new friends each year and declaring one of them the coolest. With the right eye, any color combination can be next level. It is hard to isolate one element of fashion. There is so much more that goes into an outfit than color but, color is the first thing a novice sees and therefore having a top dog is something Americans enjoy, year after year. I am telling you this so you are aware that my endorsement of classic blue is actually rare and frankly, a big deal. This year is different and you don’t need me to tell you that. Let’s first review why classic blue received the title of 2020 Color of the Year.
“Instilling calm, confidence, and connection, this enduring blue hue highlights our desire for a dependable and stable foundation on which to build as we cross the threshold into a new era.”
The Victory Lap: That’s what Pantone said when talking up their girl, classic blue. The last time a cobalt shade was put on the main stage was in 1999 to mark the start of a new, uncertain age. Wow, “uncertainty”….that rings a bell! At the very least your typical shade of blue is non-offensive. Do you know a sane person who passionately despises the color blue? The only negative thing I can think of is blue-eyed people have it a little harder, however, a bright set of blue eyes is seen as attractive so I digress. Essentially at the time of a new era: Y2K, 2020, Pantone has decided to grace us with something certain. Something that does not spark debate and something that has largely stayed off the internet since its initial announcement in December. Sometimes what you need the most is a sure thing.

To talk about all the lapeled garments from London’s Fashion Week would just be unrealistic - though they take on classic blue perfectly, no one is wearing blazers and suiting up at the moment. I thought it was necessary to redo all the articles from earlier this year as lifestyles and ideal fashions have transformed leaps and bounds. Dazzle the world with my fresh takes on the classic color. We have four more months of 2020 to take advantage! The only crime would be hesitating.
Classic Blue Leather Bands: Here classic blue acts as a slightly brighter, more youthful navy. A great gateway for all the men out there looking to add a tad more color to their looks without going “wild.” (I.E. red.) Try in the form of a wristwatch strap. And to continue on with my love of blue leather...
Handbags, All of Them: Maybe you’re only going to Wawa. You think classic blue cares? Afterall she’s supposed to be chill, right? Calming and all that. Whether you desire a quilted chain bag, a mom-sized floppy tote, or a nostalgia top handle purse fit for a princess, go blue.
Maxi Dress to Impress: Though midi length have increased in popularity, I adore a soft cotton maxi because it is what I like to call fake fancy. It looks fancy because it's floor-length and likely requires shoes with a lift but it's actually so comfortable and easy, you could wear it to a park. Needless to say, a maxi dress in classic blue is a total showstopper and pops against all skin tones, body types, hair colors, and figures. Cinderella was so close but if she picked a gown a few notches darker, maybe she wouldn’t have looked so washed out in technicolor. Classic blue is also very forgiving and doesn’t flash sweat stains so when she bolted at midnight, Cinderella could have been less worried about her dress, knowing she was sweat stain free
Ornament Jewelry: Am I bored of gold and silver? Well no, but a girl needs options. Imagine only eating two dishes for the rest of your life. Pizza and tacos everyday; no thanks, Hank! Chunky round wooden (classic blue) beads strung in a row have the appearance of a chain. What could be cooler?
Piles of Pleating: Anything with a constant texture shows the shiny side of this typically darker color. The appearance of two tones makes it easy to layer and match back other pieces to your more ladylike pleated skirts, shirts, and dresses. The most classic combo? Classic Blue + White. It was your school’s colors for a reason.

This color blue is a majestic color. It gives the appearance of royalty and freshness. The color describes your charming up beat personality. If more will dare to wear it, those around them would get the vibes of energy and confidence. Write On!