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Leave it in the '10s

Writer: Whitney WisdomWhitney Wisdom

A Mid-2010s photo taken on a camera, to be posted nowhere. *All of the below are original 2010s photos pulled from scrapbooks past. No edits or alterations of any kind were made to capture the decade authentically.

With the start of a new year comes a new opportunity to better yourself and your community. In order to know where you are going it is important to review where you came from. This year marks a new decade, meaning reflection is taken to a whole new level. I like to think of the episodes in life in terms of outfits. Here are the tops trends of the 2010s that were likely your religion once upon a time. Make your resolutions to toss the following items and start fresh in the new decade with a plethora of innovative styles just waiting to be explored!

2010 Double Tankin’: A mint green tank top perfectly stacked on top of an identical but darker, Kelly green tank top is the look. We thought it worked in any coordinating shades. This two undershirts equals one actual shirt principle is so retro it might just come back. For 2020, it is in fact too soon.

Unplanned matching tanks and tees are best enjoyed while getting fro-yo on your future college campus. Sidenote: check out our jewelry.

2011 Small Scarves: True fashionistas understand being fashion-forward is rarely about practicality. But a baby scarf around your neck in June? Nine years ago June was a hot month people! A small neck cloth in December won’t cut it either.

Today the top still holds up as a fun print to mix into business casual. Then I wore it as a collared tunic with leggings, ballet flats, and an infinity scarf. The infinity scarf and the mid-range bun are just as dated as Goyte.

Rule of thumb: if a scarf is thin enough to fit through belt loops put it there - not around your neck. Also in 2011, scarves were used as an excuse to wear a plain outfit. Like a white tee and black capris jazzed up with a red and blue scarf. This is an outfit that should not have made it out of the 00s alive. A scarf should be thick and warm and that is my final answer.

2012 Body-con Skirts: The “ideal” body type set by societal standards changes about every 10 years. In 2012 the itty-bitty girls got all the love and thus, a small butt and invisible hips were highlighted in the body-con skirt. Most would tuck in their shirts to prove they had extra room in their thigh-framing elastic band skirts. Recycle this garment as a tube top. Thank goodness sucking it in is over!

Father was right, body-con skirts and dresses are not hot! (Disclaimer: Kristen looks timeless. It is just me who is dressing like its 2012 and I'm in high school.)

2013 Strapless Sweetheart Dresses: This look is all about being cute, a huge goal of 2013 high schoolers! With their name brand sweatsuits and false lashes, the last thing the ‘20s school-aged iPhone generation wants to be considered is cute. 2020 is a year of class and sophistication; best shown through formal wear for all.

2014 Ballet Flats: They’re not bad, just super boring! Think of ballet flats like your job, safe but you could probably do better. Also the arch support of a ballet flat is like negative five and the probability of heel blisters is about 80%, so designers can you please stop making them? Looking at you Sam Edelman.

2015 Crop Tops: To rule out an entire silhouette is a bold move. Here’s the logic to back it up. Dressing yourself 101: it’s all about proportions. It is no secret how kind high-waisted pants are to most women’s bodies. I just didn’t realize how good me and my college crop top collection had it until now: the dreaded return of lowrise flare jeans. Lower backs will show, stomach flab will ooze out not only the sides of your pants but also, directly over the button. Wearing a crop top in 2020 most often results in a muffin-like-figure.

Raindrop, crop tops. Couldn’t tell you where we were going but it was certainly somewhere to hear that song.

2016 Tattoo Chokers: Fun fact: I wore my black and pink beaded tattoo choker in my 7th grade school picture with a scrunchie spaghetti strap top that was completely covered by my hair. The 8th grade boys thought I looked topless in the yearbook – the tattoo choker only outfit was a big hit in 2007. And again in 2016 when I had multiple friends ask to borrow this vintage piece for parties. A tattoo choker generally looks like it should be a part of a costume not every day wear. This type of rubbery neckwear does not layer well with others which is a problem in a time where wearing many dainty necklaces is ideal. Now statement necklaces? Get ready to dust those off!

2017 Hello Mustard Yellow: This was the title of an article I wrote for in 2015, a few seasons before the color mustard yellow blew-up. Of course, I loved mustard; I wrote about it. But three years have passed. This color is tired. Your grandmom is wearing it and you’re running out of styling ideas – the circle of life is complete. Instead try working in a darker chestnut brown into your year-round routine and reserve mustard for pretzels, and pretzels alone.

2018 Band Tees: When did Motley Crue become classic rock? Who’s the other guy singing in Van Halen? If you haven’t asked yourself these questions maybe you should leave the band tee on the shelf. In 2018 graphic tees made a comeback in men’s and women’s wardrobes alike. As humankind becomes more outspoken, I expect graphic tees to stick around for a while. However, I question why you’d wear a shredded KISS tank if you only know “Rock And Roll All Nite.”

Name 5 songs from Back In Black and then you can wear this tee but please, alter your neckwear.

Metalheads, by all means, wear what you know, but for the rest of us, let’s practice being on trend but still true to ourselves and our life experiences. Have you ever gone somewhere? Souvenir shirts are actually cool now so take advantage of that, stat!

2019 Pink Eyeshadow: Why the heck would you ever want to give yourself pink eye? I am all for gathering inspo from as many sources as possible, but like, the doctor’s office? Why would you want to look like you have a highly contagious disease? Keep your gooey eyes to yourself and pick a coral shadow if you must.

2020 will be the catalyst of many fashion firsts that you can find only on Whitney Wisdom Blog!To get weekly article from me enter your email in the subscribe section at the very bottom of my home page. For behind the scenes fun follow @whitneywisdomblog on Instagram.

May this be your “haute-est” year yet! #newyear #yearinreview #past #present #accessories #beauty #tops #bottoms #colors


1 comentario

06 ene 2020

Styles come and go, but your sweet smile is timeless! Great article, even Grandmoms need to keep up with fashion. Thks for ur help!

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